35 CICA International Competition of L'Alcora (Spain)

cica-2015Registration: until 1st March

Exhibition: 26 June to 6 September

All participants are entitled to present a maximum of two works of art created with ceramic materials, which must be original and unique. Entries created by non ceramic procedures, works of an industrial nature or those who have entered in another competitions will not be admitted.

Works must not exceed 2 metres long in any of their measurements.

Download application form: www.museualcora.es com Entries must be sent either by post (to Museu de Ceràmica, calle Teixidors 5, E12110-l’Alcora - Spain) or by e-mail. They must all include a properly completed application form, the author or author’s curriculum vitae and 3 images of each work in jpg format.

All attached documentation will remain property of the Museu de Ceràmica de l’Alcora.

Among all the registered works, the Organising Committee will choose the final entries on the basis of the images and documentation received. Its  decision will be final.

The Jury will be made up of renowned experts from the world of ceramics. Members will be made public once their final verdict has been announced.

Winning entries will remain property of the Museu de Ceràmica de l’Alcora.

A period to pick up non-winning works will be set. It is understood that if an entry has not been collected in this deadline, the author relinquishes all rights to this work and it becomes property of the Museu de Ceràmica de l’Alcora to all intents and purposes.

The author will take responsibility for the correct packaging and transport of his work. This same packaging will be used by the Commission to return the work by courier if so requested. All transport costs prior to and following the exhibition are payable by the participant.

Participation in this competition implies acceptance of its rules and conditions. The Organising Committee reserves the specific and exclusive right to rule on matters not specified in these rules and conditions and on any doubts arising from their interpretation.

Participating in this contest, the authors allow the organizers to reproduce the image of the winning and selected works in any kind of media. These images will be only exhibited for the promotion of the Contest and the Museu de Ceràmica de l’Alcora, or for other activities organized or sponsored
by the Town Council of L’Alcora.

1st PRIZE: € 7.000. Sponsored by the Town Council of L’Alcora.

2nd PRIZE: € 4.000. Sponsored by the Provincial Council of Castellon.

3rd PRIZE: € 2.800. Sponsored by General Federico Michavila.

PUBLIC’S PRIZE: € 2.800. Sponsored by l’Alcora savings bank Caja Rural San José,
for the entry chosen by the public.

For the complete rules and entry form
